Overseas Education Study Abroad

Exploring Alternative Options to Fund Your Study Abroad Dream

To study abroad is a dream of many in today’s world. It is more dynamic and allows one to access the globalized nature of markets. Having said that, this dream often faces financial challenges. To overcome that, students apply for loans for studying abroad generally. At times, a student loan for abroad doesn’t get sanctioned or there are some hurdles with respect to paperwork. Therefore, it is important to explore alternative funding options and secure your plan of international education.

Crowdfunding: A Modern Approach to Education Funding

With the increasing access to digital world, crowdfunding has emerged as a very potent tool and an alternative to a student loan for abroad. It is quite practical and many platforms such as Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Ketto ensure transparency of the entire fund. They give you the opportunity to tell your story and set a goal for your campaign. There are many students who have been able to raise money to support their educational goals. The success rate for crowdfunding is quite varied and there are people who have collected around USD 10,000. They key is to craft a compelling narrative and keep the audience engaged with regular updates and gratitude.

University-Provided Scholarships

  • Merit and Need-Based: Top universities globally offer scholarships based on academic merit or financial need. The amounts can range from partial to full tuition coverage.
  • Government-Funded: Indian government scholarships like the Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships can cover tuition and living expenses, often exceeding $20,000.
  • Private and NGO Scholarships: These can range from a few thousand dollars to full tuition coverage, depending on the organization and program.

Work-Study Programs and Exchange Opportunities

For example, USA offers F1 visa to students. Under this they can work up to 20 hours a week during term-time. In Canada, the study visa enables students to work similar number of hours and full-time during semester breaks. In addition to this, there is an Erasmus+ program in Europe. It covers a significant portion of living expenses (€300 to €400 per month).

Tuition-Free or Low-Cost Universities

Germany: In Germany, public universities offer tuition free education. It covers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. All you have to do is budget for living expenses (€850 per month).

Nordic Countries: On the lines of Germany, Nordic countries like Norway also waive off tuition fees at public institutions. The only thing to manage is living expense which can be on the higher side (€1,000 per month).

Earning While Learning: Freelancing

In this globalized world, platforms like Upwork and Fiverr have emerged. They are leading aggregators of freelancers from all over the world. A successful freelancer can earn anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month, depending on the skill set and time commitment. This also provides you to have flexibility of schedule along with academic load.

Academics are a one-time investment which goes a long way in your career. To study abroad and gaining an internationally accredited educational qualification is a feat known to a few. Once you are determined enough, you can devise ways to fund your education. From crowdfunding to scholarships, and work-study to low-cost universities, the possibilities are diverse. Combining these with entrepreneurial endeavors like freelancing or starting an online business can create a robust financial plan for your study abroad aspirations. This path is all about research, creativity, and zeal to make things happen.

Study in Italy

Why ‘Studying in Italy’ might be the Best Choice for you?

Imagine being at the center of learning with all the great institutions in the World surrounding you, great and rich cultural heritage, exotic food and many other attractions right there for you at the dream study destination of yours. Yes, Italy has all this to offer you. Italy is much more than just a attraction to students all across the world. Those who study in Italy get to experience a lot of other adventures than just being a book-worm.

Below, we are listing the top five reasons which make Italy, the best place to study abroad.

  1. Knowledge is the Top Most Priority – Well, if you are going to study in a foreign University, then your topmost priority is that you should get the best of knowledge of the subject you are studying and Italy takes the ground here. You have University of Bologna, University of Padua and many other great colleges here only. No matter whether you study business, fashion, art or history here, the faculty and the staff is always there to enhance your learning experience. The classroom lectures are fairly accompanied by field trips, museum visits, and exchange programs etcetera. And all these result in giving the optimum scope of knowledge to the students.
  2. Less Painful to Your Wallets – This point might seem a bit odd but the expense of education in Italy is highly affordable when compared to other countries like America or Canada. You will be getting World class education in a highly affordable price. Plus, the Universities in Italy are highly indulged in the scholarship programs. And if you possess a good score in IELTS or other exams, then getting a scholarship is a fairly easy task for you. Other expenses like living cost and tuition fee are also much affordable in Italy.
  3. No Shortage of Exposure – Apart from the primary idea of quality education, you will also be given exposure to a lot of practical knowledge as well. The colleges conduct frequent field trips to museums and other institutions to teach the students in a better way. In this way, you’ll not only be educated but will also be trained in a good pace. The teachers are always there for your support whenever you need them. All these small contributions make your study abroad experience a fruitful one.
  4. Getting Hold of a New Language – If course, its not a compulsion for you to learn Italian in Italy. But, if you are there, then it is quite easier for you than learning it somewhere else. You are a part of the Italian culture and environment and thus, adapting to their language is a bit convenient. In this way, you will be getting knowledge of another language as well, which would surely help you somewhere in life.
  5. Rich Culture and Food – Whenever you are with a new set of people, then you definitely get to learn a few new things. And Italy is itself a land of cultural heritage. They celebrate many great festivals like Carnevale, Game of the Bridge etcetera. All these make you a bit more familiar with the culture and enhance your learning.

How can we forget the exotic food that you’ll be getting in Italy. The birthplace of Pizza and Pasta has a lot more to offer other than these two. Risotto, Lasagne and many more are waiting for you in Italy.

These are the best of five reasons which we have found and are sufficient enough to make you an admirer of education in Italy.

Free Education Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Italy

How Much Does it Cost to Study in Italy?

When it comes to studying abroad in Italy, what is the first thought that comes to your mind apart from the free lifestyle? It is the cost of study in Italy for Indian Students.

Italy is known to be the most affordable and preferred destination for Indians for overseas education. The country has a high standard of education at an affordable rate. Moreover, the cost of living in Italy is low compared to other European nations.

So, how much does study in Italy cost?

Let’s find out in this article.

An Overview of Cost of Study in Italy

Italy has some of the top institutions in the world where international students can enroll in different study programs for affordable tuition fees.

An overview of the cost of studying in Italy is as below:

Content of ExpenseAmount in Euros
Tuitions Fees in Public Universities€900-€4000 per annum
Tuition Fees in Private Universities€6000-€20000 per annum
Cost of Accommodation€300-€700 per month
Transportation and Food Expenses€150-€250 per month

Cost of Education in Italy

The Italian Government has strict guidelines on the minimum and maximum tuition fees that vary with the institution, course, and level of study.

Public universities in Italy charge average tuition fees of €1500 per annum for undergraduate courses. The cost can vary between €900 and €4,000 per year. Private universities are expensive and have tuition fees as high as €6000 to €20,000 every year.

Affordable Italian University

If you are wondering which university is the cheapest yet the best academic option for you, here we have a list of universities with the lowest course fees:

  1. Camerino University
  2. Pisa University
  3. The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  4. Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria

Cost of Living in Italy

Like the education cost, the cost of living in Italy is also pocket-friendly for international students. You can expect a monthly expense of €700 to €1500 here. The cost increases for students living in Milan or Rome.

The average expense of a student in different cities in Italy per month:

Top Cities in ItalyCost of Living Per Month

The above expense includes your cost of accommodation, food, daily use of public transportation, and others.

Shared accommodation in Italy costs about €250-€500 per month. You can opt for university hostels for as low as €250-€300 expense per month.
Students not staying in college hostels spend about €150-€200 per month on transportation. A meal can cost you about €3 in a roadside shack or €8-€16 in a mid-range Italian restaurant.

The other expenses involved with overseas education are the student visa and travel insurance. The D-type visa for international students costs about INR 5000 for Indians. Students can get insurance coverage for as low as INR 15000 per year.

Some of the expenses that we often neglect are the expenses on the phone, Wi-Fi, relaxation, etc.

If the above costs seem suitable, proceed to apply for overseas education in Italy. If you want to study for free in Italy, look out for scholarship programs.

Study Abroad

8 Important Study Abroad Tips & Advice to Remember

Traveling to study abroad is surely one of the biggest achievements in one’s life.

It is exciting on the one hand and comes with several challenges on the other. One of the biggest challenges candidates face is finding good study abroad consultants in India. You need a trusted consultant to assist you with applying to different universities, preparing your documents, and applying for your visa.

But can you travel abroad for your studies without planning? Find out what you need to know before taking a step forward.

8 Memorable Advice for Overseas Education Aspirants

Here are 8 important tips every overseas education student must remember before proceeding on their journey.

  1. Plan in Advance:

Traveling abroad is not a decision you take one fine morning after you wake up.

If you aspire to study overseas, you need to start planning for the journey way in advance. You need to research the course, university, and how to apply. Once you have secured your invitation letter, it is time to get the visa. The hurdle doesn’t end there.

Even after you get your visa, you need to plan your accommodation abroad, line up apartments, arrange for funds, and many more. So, the earlier you plan, the smoother the entire process becomes.

  1. Indulge in Saving:

You don’t need reminding, but overseas education can turn out to be pretty expensive. Though you can secure a scholarship or get a grant, it is advisable to have extra savings. It helps you get through the apartment rentals, food, and occasional junks or traveling during your course tenure.

  1. Research and Arrange for Financials:

We understand that you can get a grant or scholarship to study overseas if you have a good academic record. However, it is important to understand which scholarship is more desirable and beneficial for your education.

Research the scholarship programs, check for the eligibility criteria and understand if it covers your course fees. In case the scholarship is not enough, you can always look up educational loans from trusted financial institutions.

  1. Learn the Language of Locals:

Traveling abroad for education is as good as being in a country as its resident. Hence, it is important you speak the local language. It helps in communicating with the locals to run a regular life at a place.

Imagine studying in Italy without knowing Italian!

Everyday life will turn out to be a hassle if you don’t know the local language.

  1. Arrange for a Local SIM Card:

When you travel abroad for your studies, it is needless to say that you will need a local SIM card at the earliest. It is best if you arrange for one prior so that you get to activate it instantly on arriving at your destination.

Even if you don’t get Wi-Fi instantly on arrival, you can stay connected to the world with your local SIM card.

  1. Get an International Credit Card:

When you are studying abroad, you need an International Credit Card that is acceptable by that country.

Every credit card might not work in the country where you study. American Express Card is a good example of that as it doesn’t operate everywhere.

Check the country’s credit card options, ensure there are no fees on foreign transactions, and get the card collected.

  1. Mix with Locals:

When you are in a new land, it is always advisable to connect with the locals and make friends. Being friends with the natives is a great way of learning the local way of life.

  1. Never Book a Return Flight:

Though the return flight tickets come cheaper, never book one. Always get a one-way flight ticket as you never know when you will be eligible for a holiday during your course.


There are several other pieces of advice that you might want to remember when you travel abroad for studies. It is recommendable to document every special moment abroad for future recollection of your journey. No matter what you do, plan the whole journey well in advance.

Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Australia Top Universities in Australia

Why Study in Australia ?

Australia holds the reputation of one of the most beautiful countries in the world. As the tourism tag says, “There’s nothing like Australia”, with the sunny beaches, Blue Mountains, central red desert, and the extensive Great Barrier Reef, Australia stands out as one of the best destinations for tourism.

But did you know that the country holds the rank of the 3rd most desired country for abroad education by international students?

If you are not certain about your reason to study in Australia, we will give you 5.

  1. Scope for Innovative Thinking

Universities and institutions in Australia encourage education through knowledge and practical skill development. These processes of education help in developing entrepreneurs. It encourages innovative things.

The new creative approach towards overseas education has inspired global students to choose Australia as their preferred destination for abroad studies. These new teaching techniques help you develop practical thinking and stay agile even under uncertain and fast-changing circumstances of the modern world.

  1. Institutes Hold a High Global Rank

In the modern world, Australia is one country that sets the parameters for excellence in overseas education. The country has top educational institutes and training centres run by exceptional lecturers to support overseas education.

As per the Times Higher Education, Shanghai Rankings and QS, Australian Institutes hold top ranks every year in their list of the 100 best universities in the world. The quality of education is further guaranteed by the CRICOS or Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.

  1. Part-Time Job During the Course

When you study in Australia, you get the opportunity to secure a part-time job in industries and sectors that offer student-friendly work. This opportunity aids you in coping with the course fees and accommodation in the country and offers practical exposure.

This exposure is essential for students to secure a job in Australia upon completing their course. Students can work for a maximum of 20-hours in a week during their semesters. They can work full-time in between semesters.

  1. Student Support and Protection

Australian cities have been ranked as the best liveable cities for international students over several years. Cities like Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, etc., have the lowest crime record globally, offering a safe place for international students to reside.

The Australian colleges extend their student support by assisting them with quality education and part-time jobs to settle in Australian life. The AQF or Australian Qualifications Framework accreditation and CRICOS measures ensure the international students get the best quality education.

Local governments and support centres offer practical guidance to international students on their legal rights, job opportunities, etc. The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 further protects international students from malpractices.

  1. Standard of Living with Opportunities of Employment

Apart from offering a multicultural social environment to international students, Australia promises an exceptional yet consistent high standard of living. The country is famous for its top-rated education, transportation, healthcare, infrastructure and aids from the Government.

Technological advancement and a strong economy ensure a satisfactory life for international students once they complete their courses. Students get part-time jobs and exposure while their course persists. As the courses end, the extensive campusing and work exposure opens the door to unlimited potential jobs.

Final Thoughts

Overseas education in Australia benefit loaded for international students. If you want to enjoy a high-standard life, securing a place in one of the top universities in Australia is the best option. The country is safe and offers the best education.

Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Canada

5 Best Universities in Canada for International Students

Canada or the True North has some of the best universities in the world. The top 4 universities in Canada hold the highest position among 100 leading global universities as per the Times Higher Education’s World University Ranking of 2020.

Each of these institutions is an expert in offering exceptional quality of education to international students.

Have you already obtained your study permit or student visa in Canada? Are you still confused about applying to the right Canadian university?

Before you take a step ahead and apply, first determine whether you wish to study in French or English. The top 5 universities in Canada offer the best courses in either English or French, depending on the location of the institution you chose.

The Top 5 Universities in Canada

  1. University of Toronto:

The University of Toronto held the 18th position in the 2020 list for top universities globally as per The Times Higher Education. It is the best university in Canada, with a diverse campus welcoming thousands of international students every year from 160 different countries.

The university operates on a collegiate system that focuses on innovation and research. It is the place where Nobel Laureate Frederick Banting discovered insulin.

  1. University of British Columbia:

UBS is the second-best Canadian university of the top 10 and holds the 34th rank in the global list. The university owes its rank to its research-based educational process, available scholarships for international students, and eminent alumni.

The campuses of Kelowna and Vancouver under UBC welcome internal students in thousands from different corners of the globe every year. The climate in British Columbia makes it one of the preferred destinations in Canada for overseas education.

  1. McGill University of Montreal:

The McGill University of Montreal holds the third rank in Canada and 42nd rank globally for being the best university in Canada for overseas education by Times Higher Education. It is the only university in Canada that represented Global University Leaders in the World Economic Forum.

McGill University is the celebrated medical college in Canada to have the first medical faculty in the country. The university offers over 300-degree courses to 31000+ students from 150 different countries. Apart from conducting its courses in French, it is one of the 3 academic institutions in Quebec that offer courses in English, making it ideal for overseas students.

  1. McMaster University:

McMaster University holds the 4th rank in Canada and 72nd rank among global universities. This university is only 1 hours’ drive from Toronto.

International students who seek top-quality medical education belong to McMaster University. The university has both faculties and students from more than 90 countries. It even runs international student exchange programs, having over 70 students every year. The reputation of the institution lies in its research-based education and innovation in health sciences.

  1. University of Montreal:

The Montreal University holds the 5th rank in Canada and 85th global rank but is the only university for francophone in Canada. 74% of the students here specifically enroll for undergraduate programs every year.

The university is well-known for its sports activities like hockey, football, etc. It is also famous for its contribution to business graduation and scientific researches.


Canada is already one of the most preferred destinations among international students for overseas education. With the list of top universities in Canada, the choice can become easier for your application. Understand your point of interest in studies and apply to universities accordingly.

Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Australia Top Universities in Australia

Study in Australia for Indian Students

Did you know that Australia holds the position of the third most preferred destination in India for overseas education? There has been a surge in applications to Australian universities from India over the decades. Reports say that in the academic year 2018-19, Australia granted student visas to more than 37000 students.

If you want to study in Australia and secure your future like these aspirants, we have a brief guide on overseas education in Australia for you.

Why Should you Study in Australia?

If you are still not certain about your preferred destination for overseas education, here are some reasons to choose Australia-

  1. Australia offers versatile options of education to students.
  2. There are 1200+ top institutes in Australia, offering more than 22000 different courses to international students.
  3. The country accepts students for different education levels from school, graduation, to postgraduate degrees.
  4. Australian education law promotes top-quality protection and education for international students irrespective of their course or duration of the study.
  5. Australia holds the 3rd rank globally as the most preferred country for abroad studies. Moreover, cities like Canberra, Sydney, etc., have been declared the most student-friendly and liveable cities worldwide.
  6. Offers the best global exposure to students

Most Preferred Study Courses in Australia for Indian Students

The Australian education board has observed a high demand for these courses by the Indian students every year-

• Science and health
• Arts and architecture
• Engineering
• Tourism and hospitality
• Information Technology
• Management and business

All the courses you get here are AQF or Australian Qualifications Framework accredited.

Most Preferred Universities in Australia by Indian

Some of the universities in Australia that face the major rush of overseas students from India are-

• Australian National University
• University of Sydney
• University of Melbourne
• Queensland University
• New South Wales University
• Monash University
• Adelaide University
• University of Western Australia

How Affordable is Overseas Education in Australia?

The first apprehension every student has when they think of overseas education is the financial factor. How expensive is it to study in Australia?

Experts say that higher education in Australia is highly affordable as compared to other top universities worldwide. Universities offer top-quality education, scholarship opportunities and also permit students to join part-time jobs in student-friendly sectors. This part-time job always aids students to afford their education better and also gain exposure.

To improve the affordability, aspiring candidates can apply for Government-funded scholarship options like AAS or Australia Awards Scholarships for the PhD or graduation. International students can also avail university-specific or private bursaries or scholarships.

Opportunities After College

International students can get post-study jobs for 2-years upon completion of their degree course. The job grand is further stretched to 3-years if you are a Research graduate. For PhD researchers, the job permit is for 4-years.

Courses and Fees

Before you apply to Australian institutes for overseas education, here is a brief fee structure for your reference.

CoursesAnnual Fees (in AUD)
Diploma and Certificate Courses4000–22000
Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree15000-33000
Post graduate Master’s Degree20000-37000
Doctoral Degree14000-37000

The above cost is indicative


Before you apply to study in Australia, let us clear all your apprehensions. We already know that Australia is an affordable destination for quality overseas education for Indian students. However, concern remains among students and their family members regarding their safety in a foreign land. When you come to Australia for your education, you can remain assured of your safety. International students are protected in Australia as per the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000. Universities here are registered under CRICOS or Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students, ensuring the quality of education for international students all the time.

So, if you plan to travel to Australia for an abroad education, it is a brilliant choice.

Overseas Education Study Abroad

Your Life as a Student in a Foreign Country, What to Expect!

The life of a student changes drastically the moment you decide on going abroad for your studies. The decision is always full of fright and apprehensions as it will be a life away from your friends and family. It is a life to build your career and make new friends. It is a life full of unprecedented incidents and hope.

So what can you expect when you go to study abroad?

5 Things to Expect in Life When you Study Abroad

Overseas education is not for the faint-hearted. It is for people who wish to explore and travel, have a little adventure, and shine bright in life. So, when you set out on this course, here are the five things you can expect in life when you study abroad.

  1. Wanderlust:

Studying abroad opens your door to unlimited adventure as you will fulfil your desire to explore and travel. The initial phase is always full of the “wow effect” as you see new things, lead a new lifestyle, walk down a new road.

  1. A Life Without Family and Friends:

When you leave your home for overseas education, prepare yourself to lead a life without family, friends, and familiar faces. Once you set your foot in a foreign land, your lifestyle will change, and your journey will involve making new friends. Even though you miss your family, you learn to embrace the hardship of life with new friends.

  1. Learn to be Responsible:

Studying abroad makes a person responsible. Even if you don’t enjoy it, you will learn to live independently and care for yourself. It is a phase where you take responsibility for your action. You can no more rely on your parents to make things right for you, but do it all yourself.

  1. A Multi-Cultural Interaction:

As you go abroad to study, you come across thousands of people from different countries in your college. The universities provide grounds for multi-cultural interactions. It helps you to understand different traditions and nationalities. This opportunity of mixing with people from different corners of the world lifts the barrier of pre perception about culture and brings in an understanding mentality.

  1. Confidence Development:

One of the best things overseas education does to a student is, invoke a sense of confidence in the person. As you now understand cultures better, you feel confident while meeting people. You will be able to enjoy a conversation with an open mind. “Icebreaking” during group discussions becomes easier for people, preparing them for future job prospects. Self-dependence is a major factor behind the confidence you gain from your life abroad.

Final Thoughts

Studying abroad is not a bed of roses for students. There are several hiccups on the way. As you miss your family in the new life abroad, you can expect many bright sides. Getting your wanderlust fulfilled is one of the most exciting events. Furthermore, if you wish to study abroad in any European country, you learn new languages, meet with people from different corners of the globe, and grow confident.

Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Canada

What are the Requirements to Study in Canada?

Canada is a peaceful and beautiful country located to the north of the United States of America. One of the most powerful countries in the world, Canada has become a beacon to the world in growing economically, culturally and politically and yet maintaining a balance between development and empathy towards nature.

Along with the social and economic development, the educational system in Canada has also become one of the best in the world. A large number of students from around the world come to study in Canada and benefit from the excellent institutions, top class faculty and industry oriented course designs. Besides, Canada also has high standards of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, and economic freedom, making it a great place to live and work in. A large Indian population also lives in Canada. All these make Canada an excellent choice for studying, and a large number of students visit study in Canada consultants in order secure an opportunity to study in the country. But before you decide to visit an educational consultant, you should prepare well and meet all the requirements for studying in Canada.

  1. Get a Good Score in a Language Test

Most foreign universities ask for a good score in a language test. Because the medium of teaching in Canada is English, you must produce a good test score in an English language proficiency test like IELTS, TOEFL etc. You should check which test are considered valid in the university you are applying in, and appear in that test accordingly. Most universities in Canada accept an IELTS test score of 6 and above.

  1. Keep your Documents Handy

Most foreign universities have their own systems of weighing qualifying marks and verifying documents. You should also check with the university about the documents you will need to produce. Most universities in Canada require you to produce marks transcripts of your qualifying exams or an equivalency certificate from the qualifying institute.

  1. Keep your References Ready

Some courses in Canadian universities, especially those where admissions are held all year round like doctorate courses, require you to furnish reference letters. Reference letters are to be written by a teacher or a professor or a senior that you studied or worked under in order to vouch for your capabilities. You should therefore stay in touch with some of your previous teachers because you might have to ask them to write a reference letter for you.

  1. Prepare and Outline your Objectives

Admission to some courses, especially doctorates and masters courses require you to write cover letters or statements of purpose. These are statements written by the candidates themselves, outlining their aims and objectives for studying a particular course in Canada. Some courses also require you to produce a research outline. You should be ready to write all these.

  1. Visa Requirements

Canada student visa process is a tad different from other countries. Before beginning your studies, you will have to obtain a Study Permit and a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) from the department of Citizen and Immigration Canada (CIC). The Study Permit is not a student visa, but a permit or a document which allows you to study in Canada. Getting a Student Permit requires that you have secured admission in a Canadian university and have ensured that you can afford to stay in Canada. Further information about these prerequisites can be found on the respective institutional websites. Indian students can also avail the Student Direct Scheme (SDS) which helps secure the Study Permit in under a month.

Overseas Education Study Abroad Study in Australia Top Universities in Australia

5 Top Universities in Australia for Overseas Education

Australia has earned the reputation of being one of the most preferred destinations in the world for overseas education. The universities in Australia hold the top global ranks based on their courses, quality of education, and faculties.

6 Australian universities currently feature among the top 100 universities globally, as per the QS World University Ranking record of 2020. In 2019, 15 universities secured their position in the “Top 100 under 50” list of the Times Higher Education World University Ranking. The other university ranking system appreciates Australian universities in the Academic Ranking of World Universities.

Do you want to be part of these leading global universities in Australia? You can choose from the 5 top universities featured in QS World University Rankings 2021.

5 Best Universities in Australia for Overseas Education

  1. Australian National University (ANU):

ANU holds the global rank of 31 as per the QS World University Ranking of 2021 and the top position in the country for international education. The university received its rank based on its teaching methodology, academic reputation, citation of international students per faculty and global contribution by research.

The main campus of ANU is in Acton, Canberra. Other campuses are located in the Northern Territory and New South Wales.

  1. University of Sydney:

The University of Sydney held the 40th position among global universities in 2021 as per QS. After ANU, it is the 2nd best university in Australia for overseas education. The university earned its reputation through its international student and faculty ratio.

The University of Sydney is the first university in Australia. Since its establishment in 1850, the university has been home to brilliant minds from different corners of the globe.

  1. University of Melbourne:

Melbourne University held the 41st position in the QS Ranking in 2021. It is one of the oldest universities in Australia and belongs to the Group of Eight.

It is has earned its position because of the employer and academic reputation. Furthermore, it has high performance in the international student-faculty indicator. 42% of the student population in the university constitute international students from 130 different countries.

  1. University of New South Wales:

The University of New South Wales held the 44th position in the 2021 QS World Ranking. Though it holds a leading position among global universities, New South Wales University has consistently held the 4th rank among universities in Australia.

As the universities of Sydney and Melbourne, UNSW is one of the members of the Group of Eight in Australia. Clearly, their approach is research-based. However, the university performs less in the faculty-student ratio indicator, hence the rank.

  1. University of Queensland:

The University of Queensland has recently entered the top 5 universities in Australia and holds the 46th rank in the QS ranking list.

The university is home to Noble laureates John Harsanyi and Peter C. Dogerty, Academy Award winner Geoffrey Rush, and more science, law, and public services leaders. Researches from this university had considerable contributions to the world, the primary one being the innovation or invention of the vaccine for cervical cancer.

Final Thoughts

Australia is one of the leading destinations for overseas education for Indians. In fact, it is the 3rd most preferred country when Indians think of studying abroad. Before you apply to the top universities of the country, note the best options and the courses they offer. We have mentioned the top 5 universities here. There are 36 universities from Australia that ranked under the QS ranking list of 100 leading universities.